Terms and Conditions





#1.1   Hyper Hoster Group, tries to aim all public content at a general audience. Please refrain from posting vulgar                       topics And/or responses. Such topics include, but are not limited to: Nudity, porn, and explicit content. Such                       content hidden in spoiler tags, or sent through the use of private messaging, is not allowed as well.



#1.2   Problems with the board structure, or management, should be handled with the board staff. Such issues                   should not become a public topic, and should be voiced in the Forum section.


#1.3   We are an English speaking board. All content, post, signatures, titles, profiles, and anything in terms of public            display must be done in English.


#1.4   These are board-wide rules that should be followed at all times. Violation may result in an infraction, which in time            can lead to a suspension or a permanent ban.




Warning System


#2.1   The warning system is based on a set amount of offences. These offences do not expire. Various offences are                        accumulated for a set number of points, however may be altered depending on the level of offence:


10 Points = 3 day suspension

20 Points = 2 week suspension

30 Points = 1 month suspension

40 Points = Permanent ban


#2.2   Warnings are a direct result of violating the rules, whether they be board-wide or section guidelines.


#2.3   Any user who has been banned or suspended is not allowed to create a second account to bypass the said ban or                  suspension. Doing so will result in the current account being banned.


#2.4   Users who bypass their suspension by means of multiple accounts can result in said users main account
           suspension being extended, or resulting in a permanent ban on their main account.


#2.5   Warnings are a direct result of violating the rules, whether they be board-wide or section guidelines.


Any disagreement with a certain rule must be taken up with said staff member in privacy via private messaging, and are between that of the staff member and member, and must not involve the public. Other staff members may intervene if necessary. Please note that the same level of respect must be used, and depending on the situations, warnings have a possibility of be overturned.


#2.6   Warning points vary by infraction. Some violations are worth more points than others and, depending on the level of             offence, may result in faster bans / suspensions.



Forum Guidelines

#3.1   Make sure all post descriptions are valid and well-mannered.


#3.2   All topics and replies must be met with respect for a fellow member. Any disrespect or flaming is a violation of the              rules and users will be punished.


#3.3   Content in posts / topics / responses must not contain, but not limited to:


Flaming / Disrespect towards other members or staff.


Sexual Harassment.


One-liner responses ("+1","lol", use of emotion).


Bypassing word filter.


Begging for "likes."


Advertising illegal or forbidden content or activities.


Racism, Sexism, or any form of hate crime (in form of text or image).


Excessive typing (i.e, "LOOOOOOOOOOOOL") that results in breaking the forum width.


Selling / Trading / Offering of unapproved digital contents, illegal content, or forbidden activities in sections that don't allow it.


Nudity, graphic, or explicit content.


Referral links from any website or forum.



#3.4   Flaming, or provoking of members, is not tolerated. Through public or private messaging (if reported to the staff) can            be subject to warnings.


#3.5   HH Group, is not liable about any arguments or issues taking place outside the forum.


#3.6   We encourage members to make legible posts to make their content easier to understand. Members are not                           encouraged to taunt or degrade others based on their grammar use.


#3.7   Posts containing personal information, false impersonations, illegal content (such as warez), selling of personal or                 confidential information, are a violation of the rules. This extends to private messaging as well.


#3.8   We encourage you to try to refrain from quoting posts containing mass text and/or quotes, media, or images. Please             edit your post down to the relative content you are aiming to quote for a more precise response. If you want to reach            out to a member in a topic, you can refer to the @username tagging.


#3.9   Bumping of ones own topic for the sake of gaining lead over other topics is not allowed. However, if a person comes              across a topic that is dated, and has relevant information or response to add, the user is allowed to reply under             those circumstances without punishment.


#3.10  We encourage users to refrain from double posting. If you have something to add to your post, use the edit button.


#3.11  Derailing a topic in discussion by posting off-topic replies or content is also a violation of the rules, and can result in               a warning or further punishment.


#3.12  Do not encourage, or ask for threads to be pinned. That is a decision left for the staff to decide based on the content             provided in said topic.


#3.13  Before posting, please check the section for our section specific rules. By not following the section specific rules,              your account may be infracted or banned. Agreeing to these terms means you know about each section specific                     rules and you agree to abide by them.


Spam Rules

#4.1  Advertising is not allowed in any public content (i.e., profile, profile posts, topic replies, signatures, avatars, etc...).            Advertising, or posting of referral links, is a violation of the rules and can result in a warning and/or further                       punishment. Advertising is only permitted with the approval of the Administration Team.


#4.2   Excessive posting of any advertising will result in an automatic ban without warning.


#4.3   Excessive posting to increase post count is also a violation, and can result in a warning or further punishment                  depending on the level of offence.


#4.4   Spam posts are also a violation of the rules. We discourage members from posting useless replies that does not add             to the topic. Spam replies are as listed, but not limited to:


One-liner responses such as: +1, lol, first, haha, etc...


Use of meme phrases such as: cool story bro, lolwut?, etc...


Use of emotion-only replies such as: :) , etc...


These are strictly enforced in all general forums, and topics of discussions, excluding The Funhouse forum.



#4.5   Excessive posting of the same topic is also a violation of the rules, and can result in topic deletion, a warning, and                   possible further punishment.


Final Guidelines


#5.1   Upon registration grants automatic agreement to these forum guidelines, and all other guidelines in sub-sections.


#5.2   Although rules are subject to change, members will be notified after changes have taken place and it is everyones                  responsibility to check for updates. Changes are effective immediately.


#5.3   HH Group, is not liable for any scams, selling, or trading made off the site. Any back-door transactions and                      activity are done at the risk of all members, and we may not take action on any situation if brought to our attention.              If you are scammed on the site, please ensure you have liable details and proof, and then proceed to contact admin,              in which we will try to assist in any attempt to resolve the issue depending on the situation. Punishment will be                   decided depending on the outcome.


#5.4   Do not request any staff position, premium content, or and other ranking exclusive on the site. Any leak of premium              content or confidential information will be punishable. Depending on the level of offensive, termination of premium              access is liable, regardless of payment or remainder of access, and is not refundable in this situation. Other statuses'            may be revoked, with a warning, suspension, or permanent ban to follow.


#5.5   You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your            Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

@2025 Hyper Hoster. All Rights Reserved

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